"Everything confessed and expressed is for a reason. Nothing is without a reason. Especially not these two words."Everything revolves around these words in our worlds.As it is a new year, I wish all of you fellow readers a happy one.It is 2018! What exactly does a new year bring about in us? It is certainly not a change, nor an effect.What it brings about in us every year is realisation.Realisation of whats been and is to come. What I like about New Years is new calendars, and our cute urges to check on which day our birthday falls this year!This is a habit that I have noticed in everyone across the world. I'm sure you all do it too.Thats what a New Year is to me.(frankly speaking) A new calendar.Realisation has an impact on us every year. It is the only reason that we call it a NEW year. I started off with a quote in which I used two words 'confess' and 'express'.These words are very important in our lives.Especially when we feel low, we gotta express. No one lives without expressing, isn't it? No one should.This blog is a very short one: This year, I suggest you take all your bad memories and all the sad moment in your life from 2017 to 2018. I suggest you take all the negativities to the new year.
Shocked? There's a reason behind it. The motive behind taking all your negativities in this New year is to remember what lessons you learnt from them in the past year. Thats what shall cause a drastic change in your 2018, thus, making it better.I dont mean to offend anyone by the statements above, but I prefer to establish such a thought for making each and everyone of us stronger this year.
By: Shaon Bandopadhyay
So why not remove our paper covers this year?
a.k.a Snoop
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