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Showing posts from January 26, 2019

Cutting The Light

"you held on to the edge of the rope, even when you had the ardent desire to elope. you didn't just stay here for the pleasure, you hung on even at times of displeasure. then came the day, you weren't there. but only your memories were here.  i should've known that it would’ve always worked. but i pulled the plug, and even smiled.  of course, i relieved you of your pain,  but i realised i was the one who fell in vain. it was like i threw the rope to you, you gripped it tight, and i cut your light. i owed you forever, now i won’t, ever. i know i’m selfish Jake. maybe the coma was temporary, and i wish the reports had varied. but i was scared, it was always the same every day and each day rarely changed. i remember once your nose twitched on its own,  i  hoped your habit of fidgeting would never leave you, but i realised that was the last movement of yours i ever saw. goodbye, my dear husband, s...