A word used time and again and spoken without understanding the true meaning of it, is hope. When the word hope is said, a question arises, do we really need it? In your first instance you'd probably be like, "Duh!, hell yes!" Me being myself, thought another way. What if I say, "We don't need hope?", You'd think of me as a lunatic. What I feel is if, and I emphasise on if, What if having hope from the start was the thing that made us vulnerable in the first place? Maybe without hope, we wouldn't ever be let down by our own optimism? ⚡️ We wouldn't have felt bad for assuming a thing to happen! However much you like to hope , this line must've challenged you. Maybe if there was no hope, there wouldn't have been any disappointment. Let's face it, being optimistic is being hopeful. Lets remember one thing, we are talking in the context of what if . So I can only, by the extent of my blog, challenge ...