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Showing posts from January 6, 2018

Paper cover

 "Everything confessed and expressed is for a reason. Nothing is without a reason. Especially not these two words."   Everything revolves around these words in our worlds. As it is a new year, I wish all of you fellow readers a happy one. It is 2018! What exactly does a new year bring about in us? It is certainly not a change, nor an effect. What it brings about in us every year is realisation.  Realisation of whats been and is to come. What I like about New Years is new calendars, and our cute urges to check on which day our birthday falls this year! This is a habit that I have noticed in everyone across the world. I'm sure you all do it too. Thats what a New Year is to me.(frankly speaking) A new calendar. Realisation has an impact on us every year. It is the only reason that we call it a NEW year. I started off with a quote in which I used two words 'confess' and 'express'. These words are very important in our lives.  Especiall...