Ever heard of Neil Armstrong ? You might know him as the first ever person to step on the moon. An amazing icon for inspiration, and a motivational speaker too. He travelled through Apollo 11. But do you know who else travelled with him? Two more people : Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. Buzz Aldrin is the man who was the second human being to ever step on the moon. (not Neil Armstrong himself, to those lame people) When the flag was hoisted on the surface of the moon, Neil Armstrong and several others provided that the mere flag of the U.S. wasn’t a flag representing a country but rather it was a step for greater successes to come. The person who made it all possible for them at that time to hoist the flag and to ensure their safety was Michael Collins. He stayed back in the spacewalker, but he had to keep the spacewalker moving. Therefore he had to make an entire revolution around the moon. For about 48 minutes, I can proudly state that Michae...