As this my next blog after my dog's death, I comprehended life a but differently for a whole week.
He died on 21st November, I went to school on 22nd. Many people asked me, why I came to school just after the day of Bozo's levitation to his abode.
I had only one answer to people. I had to move on.
We can't just be stuck on one thing. We move on. We have to.Whether it is death, a great road trip with friends, fun times with parents, whatever, we have to move on and get back to our real lives.
I forgot Bozo(or I forced myself to) so that I could help my parents move on.
Well this blog's not about him. Its about how life and moving on, go hand-in-hand.
I was touched by the fact that this week passed so quick. What clicked in my mind was, if we humans weren't wired to move one, we would probably(when we get old) still be angry or upset about the fact that our fathers lied to us about holding the backseat of the bicycle to teach us to ride a cycle. If we wouldn't move on, we would remain dull and wouldn't grow as experienced and mature creatures. True?
A journey with ups and downs.
In our subconscious self, we see these clichéd lines and visualise that they are the same boring 'everyday-quotes'. Therefore, they tend to fail to create a spark in our mind. This fact itself is often taken for granted. You know what makes the same quotes spark in someone's mind? A narrator. A teller. A man who can narrate the same quote with a little twist of his own. When people hear the words from a person, they are moved. You know how the person creates a twist? Because he has moved on and has matured enough to implicate his understandings on you.
Its about accepting that life has absolutes; And it will remain a life of absolutes.
By; Shaon Bandopadhyay
a.k.a Snoop
P.S. I know no blog is gonna be better than 21st November. For Bozo, I will continue to write my blogs.
P.P.S Bozo went a step beyond.
He died on 21st November, I went to school on 22nd. Many people asked me, why I came to school just after the day of Bozo's levitation to his abode.
I had only one answer to people. I had to move on.
We can't just be stuck on one thing. We move on. We have to.Whether it is death, a great road trip with friends, fun times with parents, whatever, we have to move on and get back to our real lives.
I forgot Bozo(or I forced myself to) so that I could help my parents move on.
Well this blog's not about him. Its about how life and moving on, go hand-in-hand.
I was touched by the fact that this week passed so quick. What clicked in my mind was, if we humans weren't wired to move one, we would probably(when we get old) still be angry or upset about the fact that our fathers lied to us about holding the backseat of the bicycle to teach us to ride a cycle. If we wouldn't move on, we would remain dull and wouldn't grow as experienced and mature creatures. True?
What I wanna say is without moving on, we would be stuck. Its quite obvious from these two words huh?Therefore, life is as is. There is nothing changing it. You know, many people say that life is a journey.
A journey with ups and downs.
In our subconscious self, we see these clichéd lines and visualise that they are the same boring 'everyday-quotes'. Therefore, they tend to fail to create a spark in our mind. This fact itself is often taken for granted. You know what makes the same quotes spark in someone's mind? A narrator. A teller. A man who can narrate the same quote with a little twist of his own. When people hear the words from a person, they are moved. You know how the person creates a twist? Because he has moved on and has matured enough to implicate his understandings on you.
Spoken words help you to analyse the depth of emotions(rather than a simple text with emojis which implicate nothing, except in the virtual realm).My week of observations have given me a clear image of what life truly is.
Its about accepting that life has absolutes; And it will remain a life of absolutes.
By; Shaon Bandopadhyay
a.k.a Snoop
P.S. I know no blog is gonna be better than 21st November. For Bozo, I will continue to write my blogs.
P.P.S Bozo went a step beyond.
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